The Baldwin Park Census Breakdown
It’s not Pasadena or Santa Monica or even Anaheim- it’s Baldwin Park- a city who I can almost guarantee you have probably never heard about. For a city that is underreported in different media outlets, the Census Reporter does a pretty good job at visually underlying the city’s facts.
In most recent data, the city of Baldwin Park has reported a median household income of $64,254 which is slightly higher to the general Los Angeles county’s median annual household income which is just slightly under $60,000. On the contrary, the city’s per capita income is significantly lower, at $19,980. This low number could be due to the possibility that there is an average of 4.1 persons per household.
Taking a closer look into households, the Census Reporter showcases a steady balance between the male and female population. On a different scale, the race and ethnicity data present the opposite. If you attend any of the public schools or just walk around the city these data points are to no surprise. Baldwin Park is a heavily Hispanic population which plays a key role in shaping the city’s identity. Asians only make up 19% of the population which leaves 7% of among other categories.
Based off of Baldwin Park’s demographics this technically wouldn’t be considered a diverse community. There is only 2 main race and ethnicity populations. Supporting this point is 45% of the city’s foreign-born population is coming from only 2 locations, Asia and Latin America.
Along with the data representing that 67% of the foreign-born population is from Latin America ties hand and hand with the same data that shows the population’s language other than English spoken at home. Both among children 5–17 and adults 18+ over 60 % of the population’s primary language spoken at home is Spanish. This large number can be due to the population of first generation children who mainly speak their parents native language and then learn English through dual language programs provided throughout the public school system and once they’re older they then are able to speak more than one language at home.
This piece of data caught my attention the most because it shows how heavily vehicle dependent residents are in order to transport to work. The city has done a lot more to encourage other means of transportation like new widened bike lanes and a new trolly that takes residents around the city free of charge.